Christian Ministry and Theology Program

(목회와 신학 학과)

As of 2024, new versions of the Christian Ministry and Theology courses have been released and are as described below.

For current and continuing enrolments, information on previous versions of the courses may be found on the archived page (click here for access).

Certificate IV in Christian Ministry and Theology

(자격증 과정)

VET national code: 11237NAT • CRICOS course code: 117093G

Course duration: 12 months (4 terms)

This 12 month course will equip lay people for community work and leadership/ministry in a local church/ church workplace, as well as enhance personal growth.

The 11237NAT Certificate IV in Christian Ministry and Theology course is a nationally recognised qualification. There are nine units of competency: three core units on biblical knowledge, interpretation and core beliefs, and; six elective units on scripture, theology, ministry and formation.

This course is equivalent to the previous version: 10742NAT Certificate IV in Christian Ministry and Theology.

This course is delivered and assessed in Korean.

Minimum Entry Requirements:

  • Be over the age of 18
  • Demonstrate good command of written and spoken English and Korean
  • Have completed an equivalent secondary schooling level of a Higher School Certificate or can demonstrate suitable work or life experience

Specific Requirements:

  • The student is a committed Christian and actively involved in a Christian community
  • A reference from a Church pastor or Christian leader
  • Students undertaking Christian Ministry courses should, in good conscience, be able to subscribe to the ICC statement of beliefs which are found in the tenets of mainstream Christianity

Units of competency or modules studied:

  • NAT11237001 Apply knowledge of the Bible
  • NAT11237002 Interpret biblical texts
  • NAT11237003 Develop and apply knowledge of key Christian beliefs
  • NAT11237004 Discuss a topic from a Christian perspective
  • NAT11237005 Apply Christian ethics to contemporary issues
  • NAT11237006 Explain Christian beliefs to a non-Christian audience
  • NAT11237007 Apply knowledge of Christian history and historical theology
  • NAT11237008 Use Christian spiritual practices to support own personal development
  • NAT11237012 Develop own leadership skills

Diploma of Christian Ministry and Theology

(준 학사 과정)

VET national code: 11238NAT • CRICOS course code: 117094F

Course duration: 12 months (4 terms)

This 12 month course is designed to equip you for active ministry through mission placement, church planting and ministry in a local church. It also aims to assist you to grow in wisdom, grace and maturity, empowered by the Holy Spirit to live out your God-given calling and grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ.

The 11238NAT Diploma of Christian Ministry and Theology course is a nationally recognised qualification. There are 10 units of competency: three core units on biblical knowledge, interpretation and core beliefs, and; six elective units, including church history, leadership and world religions.

Students can expect to graduate from this course with a deeper knowledge of the Bible and valuable practical skills for both formal and informal ministry. This course provides a more in-depth module-based training, building on the foundation provided through the 11237NAT Certificate IV in Christian Ministry and Theology course.

This course is equivalent to the previous version: 10743NAT Diploma of Christian Ministry and Theology.

This course is delivered and assessed in Korean.

Minimum Entry Requirements:

  • Be over the age of 18
  • Demonstrate good command of written and spoken English and Korean
  • Have completed an equivalent secondary schooling level of a Higher School Certificate or can demonstrate suitable work or life experience
  • Applicants seeking enrolment in the diploma program are expected to have completed the qualification at a certificate level or can demonstrate competency at that level.

Specific Requirements:

  • The student is a committed Christian and actively involved in a Christian community
  • A reference from a Church pastor or Christian leader
  • Students undertaking Christian Ministry courses should, in good conscience, be able to subscribe to the ICC statement of beliefs which are found in the tenets of mainstream Christianity

Units of competency or modules studied:

  • NAT11238001 Apply advanced knowledge of the Bible
  • NAT11238002 Compare and explain Christian beliefs and practices
  • NAT11238003 Research and present a biblical theme
  • NAT11238004 Develop and apply knowledge of church history
  • NAT11238005 Develop and apply knowledge of church, liturgy and sacraments
  • NAT11238006 Analyse and compare worldviews and world religions
  • NAT11238007 Explain and discuss the person and work of the Holy Spirit
  • NAT11238008 Develop self-awareness
  • NAT11238010 Develop and implement ministry programs
  • NAT11238011 Prepare and lead worship

Advanced Diploma of Christian Ministry and Theology


VET national code: 11239NAT • CRICOS course code: 117095E

Course duration: 18 months (6 terms)

이과정은 예배사역자 양성과정으로서 예배 인도자가 가추워야할, 신학, 목회, 설교, 예배신학 그리고 목회와 종교 및 사회에관한 지식을 가추도록 계획되여있음.

이과정은 현직 전도사 사역자들 혹은 전도사 및 선교사 사역을 준비하는자들, 그리고호주에서 신학을 공부하고저하는 학생들을 위하여 계획되여있음 현직 목회자들를 위하여 별도의 학과목별 수업도 가능하도록 별도의 시간이 계회되여있음. 3개의 핵심과목과 9개의 선택과목으로 총 12과목을 공부하게 됩니다.

이과정으 총 1년 6개월 과정으로 되여 있으며 이과정를 졸업하면 교회의 전도사 사역, 선교사 사역 을 할수있는 전문적인 지식과 목회적 훈련을 가추게 됨.

This course is equivalent to the previous version: 10744NAT Advanced Diploma in Christian Ministry and Theology.

This course is delivered and assessed in Korean.

Minimum Entry Requirements:

  • Be over the age of 18
  • Demonstrate good command of written and spoken English and Korean
  • Have completed an equivalent secondary schooling level of a Higher School Certificate or can demonstrate suitable work or life experience
  • Applicants seeking enrolment in the diploma program are expected to have completed the qualification at a certificate level or can demonstrate competency at that level.

Specific Requirements:

  • The student is a committed Christian and actively involved in a Christian community
  • A reference from a Church pastor or Christian leader
  • Students undertaking Christian Ministry courses should, in good conscience, be able to subscribe to the ICC statement of beliefs which are found in the tenets of mainstream Christianity

Units of competency or modules studied:

  • NAT11239001 Apply advanced knowledge of the Bible in Christian Ministry
  • NAT11239002 Analyse a theological topic and apply it to a contemporary context
  • NAT11239003 Communicate complex theological ideas to diverse audiences
  • NAT11239004 Analyse the theology of a biblical author
  • NAT11239005 Analyse translations of the Bible to assist in exegesis
  • NAT11239006 Articulate, present and debate the nature and person of Jesus
  • NAT11239007 Provide guidance on ethical issues in a Christian ministry context
  • NAT11239008 Analyse the theology of an influential theologian and their impact on theology and church practice
  • NAT11239010 Build and maintain community relationships
  • NAT11237010 Plan and lead ministry activities
  • PSPGEN123 Provide workplace mentoring
  • BSBTWK501 Lead diversity and inclusion